영문 논문관련 자료를 찾다가 엉뚱고 재미있는 글을 발견해서 올려봅니다.
브라질의 리우데자네이루 연방 대학병원 연구팀은 160여명을 대상에게 컴퓨터로 서로 다른 6명의 얼굴을 보여주고 코높이를 낮음, 보통, 높음으로 나누어 조절하도록 해서 코높이가 어느정도 일때 여성의 이미지가 가장 아름다워 보이는지 실험을 했는데 놀랍게도 낮은 코높이를 가장 아름다운 이미지로 선택한 사람이 절반을 넘었고, 보통의 코를 선호한 사람도 3분의 1이 넘었다고 하네요.
그러고 보면 높은코를 미인으로 보는 우리의 사고방식하고 많이 다른것 같아요.
그래서 보편적으로 아름답다는 기준이 전세계 공통적인것으로 여기는 것은 착각이고 각 나라의 전통과 문화에 따라 미의 기준이 달라질수 있다고 지적할수 있군요.
사실 제가 이글에 흥미를 느낀것도 저도 낮은코라 높은코가 부럽거든요.
코가 낮은 사람은 브라질 가서 살면 미인소리 듣는다니 한번 낮은 코 이신분들은 한번 고려해 볼수도 있겠네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그런데 관상학적 아름다움 보다는 심상학적 아름다움이 더 중요하지 않을까 생각해봅니다.^^
출처 : 본인글
What's Most Beautiful? Brazilians Say a Low Nose
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - North Americans and Europeans sniff out beauty by looking for a nose placed relatively high on the face, or at least not low on the face, according to studies. But if you're a Brazilian, you look for a low nose, according to a study presented this week.
"I was a little bit surprised, but not much, as the concept of 'what is beautiful' is highly influenced by cultural background," lead researcher Dr. Geraldo Augusto Gomes told Reuters Health.
The study findings were presented this week at the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO in San Diego, California.
In the study, 20 health professionals, 20 artists, and 120 lay people examined the images of six women, each of which was altered with computer software so that the top of the nose - was at an average position (regular), below (low), or above (high) the level of the upper eyelid crease. For each woman, the subjects were asked to rate which position looked best and which looked worst.
The low position was considered the most beautiful by slightly more than half of the participants, followed by the regular position by just more than a third of the respondents, said Gomes, from the University Hospital of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
When asked which was the least beautiful, almost three-quarters of the participants picked the low nose.
Surgeons that perform nose surgery "must be aware of the different concepts of beauty, especially when working with people of non-Caucasian origin," Gomes said.
Most of the recent studies of the issue were "produced in North America, where the beauty concepts seem to have subtle differences when compared to concepts of other cultures," he noted. "Attention to this aspect may help the surgeon to tailor a more adequate technique and meet their patients' expectations better."
영문기사 출처 : http://abcnews.go.com/
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